Award of Excellence – “Switchers” (USA)

Title: Switchers
Runtime: 40 min
Country: USA
Director: Jason Meath
Placement: Award of Excellence
Competition: September 30, 2017

Synopsis: Once proud family neighborhoods crumble, swapping jobs that left the country for drugs and prostitution. This is the world of the Switchers – millions of Americans who voted for democrats their entire lives and now will vote for Donald Trump.

Our production dispatched crews in the swing state Midwest to investigate personal stories in many states who reported thousands of voters switching party affiliation to support Donald Trump. It did not take long to learn these people were everywhere. We sat down to capture a few of their stories – and, astonishingly, they all nearly read from the same built-in script.

Bad trade deals, unaffordable health care and political neglect left them feeling expendable, vulnerable and hopeless. This was not the America they grew up in and they could see no politician from either party willing to turn it around. Except for one businessman who had captured their frustration and shared their hope for an America restored to its former greatness – Donald Trump. They saw him as their strongman.

Meanwhile, the establishment was left reeling, attempting to nullify the overwhelming numbers of voters Trump was racking up in primary states. While many of them finally threw their support to him, it exposed how the nation’s political class may be motivated less by principle than by proximity to power.