Award of Merit – “Hold Hands Or Hide” (UK)

Title: Hold Hands Or Hide
Runtime: 10 min
Country: UK
Director: Simon Wegrzyn
Placement: Award of Merit
Competition: March 31, 2018

Synopsis: Adam and Stuart are attacked in the streets after a night out in a local bar. They are both left with physical scars but how will they cope with the emotional ones?

The fight for equality is far from over. Hate Crimes against LGBT+ people have surged by 78%; 9% in 2013 to 16% in 2017.

These statistics do not paint the full picture as many victims still do not report their attacks.

In 2008, Director Simon Wegrzyn was victim to an LGBT+ related hate crime. In this short film, he shares his story on how the attack has left one permanent scar – the fear to hold hands with the man he loves.