Award of Merit – “Remmy Blackwell – Daddy’s on the Sands” (USA)

Title: Remmy Blackwell – Daddy’s on the Sands
Runtime: 3 min
Country: USA
Director: Uriah Herr
Placement: Award of Merit
Competition: March 31, 2020

Synopsis: Remmy Blackwell will stop at nothing to find a woman that left him… but is if for Love or Revenge.

FILMMAKER Q&A – Uriah Herr – Director/Producer

GS: What was the inspiration for your film?

UH: The inspiration for this short film comes from love lost and the inner conflicts of the subconscious when faced with the prospect of starting over. 

GS: When did you conceive the idea for your film and how long did it take before it was realized?

UH: The concept was born as a part of a 3 film series that accompanies an album by the artist Remmy Blackwell.  We based the films off of the narrative thread that flows throughout the album, betrayal, longing, loneliness, dependance and desperation.  We (Dustin Charlton and Myself) conceived the idea over the span of a few weeks via email, phone calls and skype conversations.  Dustin flew out from NYC to Los Angeles and we shot for a few days, then went straight into post.  It all went down within the space of 6 weeks.

GS: What was the most challenging aspect of working in a short film format?

UH: The most challenging part of working in the short film format was that we had to cut down all the great footage to 3 minutes.

GS: What was the most challenging aspect of your production?

UH: The fact that we were on a tight budget, did not allow for a larger crew, meaning we all had to do more heavy lifting. 

GS: Do you have any advice for first-time filmmakers?

UH: Go shoot a film, any film… get the juices flowing and let your imagination flow.  Look in the mirror, the only one who can get you there is yourself…