Best Actor – Mark Borkowski – Hungry Ghosts (USA)

Title: Hungry Ghosts
Runtime: 18 min
Country: USA
Director: Mark Borkowski
Placement: Award of Excellence + Best Actor (Mark Borkowski)
Competition: March, 2022

Synopsis: Frank Duffy searches for his missing wife who has relapsed on heroin and disappeared. Day and night, he combs the crime-riddled streets, the crack houses. He even seeks advice from a voodoo lady who tells him his wife is being devoured by ‘hungry ghosts’, spirits who crave and eat away at the living. As Frank’s obsession drives him closer to the edge, he risks surrendering his own sobriety and leaving his young son abandoned. Set in the drug infested badlands of Philadelphia, “Hungry Ghosts” shines a light on the city’s opioid crisis while exploring a family torn apart by addiction.