Best Editing – Kirstie Mattheis – “The Get Together” (USA)

Title: The Get Together
Runtime: 13 min
Country: USA
Director: Caitlin Dahl
Placement: Award of Excellence + Best Editing (Kirstie Mattheis)
Competition: March 31, 2019

Synopsis: A wholesome middle-aged couple from Rhode Island have been invited over to a very successful and eccentric Hollywood record producer’s house with his much younger wife to plan the wedding of their children. As the two couples start to get to know each other, their difference seem to melt away with the help of accidentally injected edible marijuana. They slowly begin to expose their own marital problems and confide and seek comfort in each others partners. One thing leads to another and they find themselves on the verge of “The Great Switcheroo” when the unexpected happens resulting in confusion, hilarity and absurdity.