FILMMAKER Q&A – Ruth Elliott – Director, Producer, Writer, Animator, Illustrator, Musician.

GS: What was the inspiration for your film?

RE: One night after an exhausting emotional experience of feeling silenced and misunderstood by my late husband, I was struggling how to explain it to myself when I drifted off to sleep. Suddenly I saw this entire story played out before me in a dream! That was exactly how I felt! Like he treated me cruelly part of the day, and then expected me NOT to remember at night, as though I was another person, completely.

See the 5 minute story here:

Also the Mandarin Version here:

Plus the SPANISH version here:

The story encourages us to see that the way we treat anyone, is the way we treat everyone!  

This is the HD version of my original fable, THE NIGHT PRINCESS.


and in SPANISH, here:

See more at Edu Designs:

Here are some conversation starters to ask students after watching:  

“The story doesn’t end there…

YOU get to decide for yourself

 what happened. What do you think happened next? 

• When the king found her, was 

the Night Princess still alive?

• Did the king learn a lesson?

• What lesson did he learn?

These are the questions that only

YOU can answer. 

Each person’s

 ending may differ, and that’s fine.

What do YOU think happened to

The Night Princess?”

After seeing it, RAY BRADBURY declared, With tears streaming down his face, “It’s BEAUTIFUL!”

VAN DYKE PARKS said: “Terrific animation to a great tale. The music does justice to it all!”

GS: When did you conceive the idea for your film and how long did it take before it was realized?

RE: See above for the idea…

It took about 5 minutes to write the story down after the dream, and 5 months to accomplish it: The artwork, recording the narration, music and putting it all together in Flash CS6. WHEW! What a whirlwind joy it was, too.

GS: What was the most challenging aspect of your production?

RE: Wondering if my husband would figure out that it was about HIM.  Not surprisingly, he never did. 

GS: Do you have any advice for first-time filmmakers?

RE: If you get a good idea, do it while you have the PASSION – when it’s FRESH! Don’t wait for the urge to pass!