Our Best Short Film winner will receive our custom Global Shorts statuette which we ship anywhere in the world, free of charge. The award is manufactured by Society Awards, the same awards company that manufactures the Golden Globe and the Emmy. All winners will receive our Global Shorts Winner laurels in black, white, and gold.
Special Mentions
A Brief Introduction to Wrath (USA), Dir: Michael Gearheart
Aquarian Realization (USA), Dir: Robert Patrik Winston
Avebury Sanctuary Complex (UK), Dir: Paul Vivian
Bail! (USA), Dir: Michael Donaldson
Before It’s Too Late (USA), Dir: Russ Consaul & Daniel S. Alexander
Berlin (USA), Dir: Ashley Bogley
BreaK Free (USA), Dir: Silvia Elena Beckmann
Butt Seriously (Canada), Dir: Liam O’Rinn
Colorblind (USA), Dir: Dylan Kaufmann
Cursed (Albany), Dir: Artan MAKO Maku
Direct & Reflect (USA), Dir: Miki Holiday, Kal-El Billy Holiday, Kareem Dula Dixon, Troy L. Mitchell, Yolanda Nollie
Do Not Answer (USA), Dir: Kenzie J. Illnest
Fellini Mastorna…a film of no return (USA), Dir: Jennifer Glee Foley
Heart of Recovery (USA), Dir: Kassi Crews
I’m Fine (USA), Dir: Aidan Sinconis
Incandescent Thoughts (France), Dir: Enzo Arnaudet
Isolate (USA), Dir: Mike Costa
JackRabbit (USA), Dir: Dalton Ray Richardson
Janie’s Life Changing Baked Goods (USA) Dir: Matt Hamilton
Je (France), Dir: Zane
Kill Two Birds (USA), Dir: Marjoe Aguiling
Le Fardeau de la Memoire (The Burden of Memory) (USA), Dir: Aline Smithson
Light of The Passing Train (USA), Dir: Grey Rich
Live At The King Eddy (Canada), Dir: Evan Uschenko & Aaron Trozzo
Meant to Be (USA), Dir: Andrea Sambuccetti
My Favorite Narcissist (USA), Written by: Diane Thomassin, Michael Miceli
No Signal (Slovenia), Dir: Frank Kopic
Norma Jean (USA), Dir: Vanessa Matelski
One Flood, One Family (Australia), Dir: Terry Bleakley
Only You Can Save Her, Pilot Episode for THE BOY WHO EARNED HIS MAGIC (USA), Written by: Lynn H. Elliott
Paradise Takeaway (UK), Dir: Paul Cooke
Potato (Sweden), Dir: Birgitta Liljedahl
Rapacity (Brazil), Dir: Julia De Simone & Ricardo Pretti
Robin The Hood — A Wild West Adventure (Canada), Dir: Doug MacDougall
Robot Parade (USA), Dir: Bruce I Lazarus
Running For Your Life (Canada), Dir: Libby Lea
Saturneers Episode 2 “Thulk” (Indonesia), Dir: Jonathan Nolan
Secrets Of Eternity (USA), Dir: Jaden Gerard Miller
Sierra Odyssey: Orland Bartholomew’s Historic Winter Adventure in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (USA), Dir: Candace Lee Egan
Single Girl’s Guide To Narcissists (USA), Written by: Diane Thomassin, Michael Miceli
Space Transports Poster (USA), Poster Designed by: Greg James Blount, David Wenzel, Gimal Weerasinghe
The 10,000 Mile Bridge (USA), Dir: Sharon Oreck, Jay Roach, Asako Ushio
The Cold Night (USA), Dir: Diane M. Dresback & Devon Dresback
The Panharmonion Chronicles: Times of London (UK), Dir: Henry Chebaane
The Ticket (USA), Dir: Joel William Kellen
The Wind of Memories (Italy), Dir: Michele Raimondo Guidacci
Tigers-Tracking a Legend Music Video (USA), Dir: Carol J. Amore
Triggered LOVE (USA), Dir: Joell Jackson, Richard Louprasong
Troy’s Story (USA), Dir: Joseph Henderson
UBI SUNT (UK), Dir: Natalia Jezova
Untold Stories: The Portuguese Festa in Central California (USA), Dir: Candace Lee Egan
Zipping Across Another Pond (2024) (USA), Dir: Garrett Thomas
夕占 – A Foretelling at the Dusk (USA), Dir: Hirokazu Fukawa