Special Mentions

A Brief Introduction to Wrath (USA), Dir: Michael Gearheart

Aquarian Realization (USA), Dir: Robert Patrik Winston

Avebury Sanctuary Complex (UK), Dir: Paul Vivian

Bail! (USA), Dir: Michael Donaldson 

Before It’s Too Late (USA), Dir: Russ Consaul & Daniel S. Alexander

Berlin (USA), Dir: Ashley Bogley

BreaK Free (USA), Dir: Silvia Elena Beckmann

Butt Seriously (Canada), Dir: Liam O’Rinn

Colorblind (USA), Dir: Dylan Kaufmann

Cursed (Albany), Dir: Artan MAKO Maku

Direct & Reflect (USA), Dir: Miki Holiday, Kal-El Billy Holiday, Kareem Dula Dixon, Troy L. Mitchell, Yolanda Nollie  

Do Not Answer (USA), Dir: Kenzie J. Illnest

Fellini Mastorna…a film of no return (USA), Dir: Jennifer Glee Foley

Heart of Recovery (USA), Dir: Kassi Crews

I’m Fine (USA), Dir: Aidan Sinconis

Incandescent Thoughts (France), Dir: Enzo Arnaudet

Isolate (USA), Dir: Mike Costa 

JackRabbit (USA), Dir: Dalton Ray Richardson

Janie’s Life Changing Baked Goods (USA) Dir: Matt Hamilton

Je (France), Dir: Zane

Kill Two Birds (USA), Dir: Marjoe Aguiling

Le Fardeau de la Memoire (The Burden of Memory) (USA), Dir: Aline Smithson

Light of The Passing Train (USA), Dir: Grey Rich

Live At The King Eddy (Canada), Dir: Evan Uschenko & Aaron Trozzo

Meant to Be (USA), Dir: Andrea Sambuccetti

My Favorite Narcissist (USA), Written by: Diane Thomassin, Michael Miceli

No Signal (Slovenia), Dir: Frank Kopic

Norma Jean (USA), Dir: Vanessa Matelski


One Flood, One Family (Australia), Dir: Terry Bleakley

Only You Can Save Her, Pilot Episode for THE BOY WHO EARNED HIS MAGIC (USA), Written by: Lynn H. Elliott

Paradise Takeaway (UK), Dir: Paul Cooke

Potato (Sweden), Dir: Birgitta Liljedahl

Rapacity (Brazil), Dir: Julia De Simone & Ricardo Pretti

Robin The Hood — A Wild West Adventure (Canada), Dir: Doug MacDougall 

Robot Parade (USA), Dir: Bruce I Lazarus

Running For Your Life (Canada), Dir: Libby Lea

Saturneers Episode 2 “Thulk” (Indonesia), Dir: Jonathan Nolan

Secrets Of Eternity (USA), Dir: Jaden Gerard Miller

Sierra Odyssey: Orland Bartholomew’s Historic Winter Adventure in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (USA), Dir: Candace Lee Egan

Single Girl’s Guide To Narcissists (USA), Written by: Diane Thomassin, Michael Miceli   

Space Transports Poster (USA), Poster Designed by: Greg James Blount, David Wenzel, Gimal Weerasinghe

The 10,000 Mile Bridge (USA), Dir: Sharon Oreck, Jay Roach, Asako Ushio

The Cold Night (USA), Dir: Diane M. Dresback & Devon Dresback

The Panharmonion Chronicles: Times of London (UK), Dir: Henry Chebaane

The Ticket (USA), Dir: Joel William Kellen

The Wind of Memories (Italy), Dir: Michele Raimondo Guidacci

Tigers-Tracking a Legend Music Video (USA), Dir: Carol J. Amore

Triggered LOVE (USA), Dir: Joell Jackson, Richard Louprasong

Troy’s Story (USA), Dir: Joseph Henderson

UBI SUNT (UK), Dir: Natalia Jezova

Untold Stories: The Portuguese Festa in Central California (USA), Dir: Candace Lee Egan

Zipping Across Another Pond (2024) (USA), Dir: Garrett Thomas

夕占 – A Foretelling at the Dusk (USA), Dir: Hirokazu Fukawa